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テクニカル分析に欠かせないチャート。ディスプレイに一瞬で自動表示されるのが常識になっているのに わざわざ手書きする意味はあるのでしょうか。 A chart is an essential tool for technical analysis. Why do we have to hand draw it, while it's displayed on a monitor immediately? |
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●1本1本書くことに意味があるのです。1本のローソク足には4本値(始値、高値、安値、終値)が折り込まれています。 手書きするとそれらを意識するので相場の勢いを知ることができます。 ●大きく描かれたローソク足の形を眺めることで変化の兆しに気づくことができます。 ●ディスプレイでは自動調整されてしまう高さが手書きでは固定されるため、価格の上げ下げの幅を正しく実感することができます。 A chart '- To draw one by one is important. A candle consists of 4 prices (open, high, low, close). Hand drawing of them deepens your awareness and you will understand the momentum of the market. - By looking at a large hand drawn candlestick chart, you can notice a symptom of a market change. - You can feel the real up / down gaps on the hand drawn graph, while the height is automatically adjusted on a monitor. |

優しい色使いが目への負担を和らげます。 折れにくいようやや厚めで滑らかな用紙を選びました。
Eye friendly color.
その1 「実体」の幅2mmごとに縦罫を太くしました What makes it different from normal graph paper? |
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Development Story "Why paper, in the digital age?"
What makes us develop this paper? It started when someone asked us for a store selling a piece of paper to draw a candlestick chart on. Unfortunately there was no such store, however, we found a piece of paper with graph lines. When we saw 2mm lines for "real bodies" and 1mm space between them, we realized it is ideal to draw a candlestick chart. Some says, "few people hand draw the chart these days", but we decided to create it if not available on the market, and added some more features. By adding thin lines for "upper / lower shadows" and soften the line color, we have completed our special hand drawing chart paper.

Drawing musical notes on a music sheet. Transcribing a beautiful sentence. Imitating a dance of a cool dancer. -Hand Drawing a candlestick chart is something like these. They say that hand drawing of the music notes will deepen your awareness of the composer's feeling and your own emotion on the play. Transcribing sentences will improve your writing skills by understanding the rhythm of them, and imitating a dance is a short cut to dance a cool dance.
You might be able to hear the voice of the market by hand drawing the 4 prices (open, high, low, close) on the candlestick chart.
There are so many tools for technical analysis. Candlestick chart analysis is the basic of the basic. Dollar / Yen for FX, Nikkei225, stock price of your favorite share, gold, crude oil, soy beans... Hand drawing candlestick chart is the best tool to talk silently with the positions you hold.
But don't spend too much on the analysis. As an old saying "A chartist drawing too much lines draws himself back", it's not a good idea to stick too much with the candlestick analysis itself. Play with the candlestick as it shows only a part of the fact to analyze.